
Cina Muslim adalah Cina dan Muslim


JEMAAH Cina Muslim hanya golongan minoriti kecil sahaja di Malaysia. Duduk diam-diam sebagai mualaf. Suara kamu tak mampu ubah apa-apa.”

Inilah suara fobia yang menjangkiti Cina Muslim pra-Youtube. Ramai Cina Muslim yang reda diMelayukan setelah memeluk Islam. Fobianya ialah kalau Cina Muslim enggan diMelayukan, mereka tak akan berjaya dalam hidup mereka.

Mereka tidak akan mendapat bantuan daripada mana-mana pihak. Masyarakat Cina fobia Islam, lalu buang mereka, melabel mereka sebagai pengkhianat bangsa apabila memeluk Islam.

“Mengapa kamu peluk agama yang pasti gagal mendidik kamu menjadi insan pragmatis dan realistik! Moyang kamu datang ke tanah ini sehelai sepinggang. Dan akhirnya berkat falsafah Cina, kita berjaya membina ekonomi dan keluarga yang mantap. Kamu sudah mengkhianati warisan nenek-moyang kamu! Kamu tak akan berjaya dalam hidup!”

Inilah wacana Cina pra-Youtube yang ingin membela warisan mereka.

Masyarakat Melayu pula begitu menjaga ‘mualaf’ sehingga timbul obsesi memastikan Cina Muslim membuktikan “keikhlasan” mereka setelah memeluk Islam.

“Kalau kamu ikhlas memeluk Islam, buang nama Cina. Buang nama ayah. Gantikan dengan ayah yang baharu yang bernama ‘Abdullah’. Mulai hari ini, kamu adalah ‘Bin Abdullah’. Pakai seperti kami. Makan seperti kami. Fikir seperti kami. Kami akan membantu kamu selagi kamu duduk diam-diam sebagai mualaf yang baik.”

Inilah wacana Melayu pra-Youtube yang ingin membela Islam.

Tiba-tiba dunia digegarkan dengan munculnya zaman internet bagaikan tsunami informasi. Tiba-tiba dunia menjadi satu kampung yang besar. Begitu mudah sekali mendapat informasi dari dunia lain. Melalui skrin telefon bimbit sahaja, Cina Muslim melihat Islam sebagaimana yang dipraktikkan di dunia lain di negara Arab, Amerika, Britain, China, Afrika. Komunikasi yang mudah telah menyatukan Cina Muslim seluruh dunia kerana Cina ada di mana-mana di dunia. Cina adalah rakyat global.

Tiba-tiba satu persatu tokoh-tokoh Cina Muslim terbangun dari tidur yang lama, lalu bersuara, “ALLAH SWT telah menjadikan masyarakat multikultural sebagai fitrah alam, tetapi mengapa selama ini wacana tentang agama ALLAH SWT bersifat monokultural? Memang bangsa Arab memeluk Islam dulu sebelum bangsa Parsi tetapi bangsa Parsi tidak menganggap bangsa mereka mualaf pula. Bahkan guru Imam Shafii iaitu Imam Malik adalah berbangsa Parsi! Satu hari Cina Muslim akan melahirkan ulama Melayu pula!”

Kita lihat arus bokia iaitu arus tidak takut berfikir di luar kotak monokultural semakin besar dalam pilihan raya Macma kali ini. Salah satu usul yang dicadangkan oleh Macma Melaka dan mendapat persetujuan sebulat suara kesemua 19 perwakilan dari pelbagai negeri ialah melawan paradigma monokultural iaitu melawan budaya yang mem’bin/binti Abdullah’kan mereka yang baru memeluk Islam.

Bahkan kita lihat semakin ramai Cina bukan Muslim yang menulis tentang Islam. Tulisan-tulisan mereka memberi gambaran bahawa mereka sedang berusaha membaca buku-buku ilmiah tentang Islam atau sekurang-kurangnya semakin kurang fobia untuk mengambil tahu tentang perkembangan Islam. Semakin ramai ekstremis Muslim muncul yang menggunakan nama Islam untuk menindas bangsa lain, semakin masyarakat Cina ingin mengambil tahu apa sebenarnya ajaran Islam bebas adat.

Cina Muslim mula sedar bahawa mereka memainkan peranan yang utama dalam mempelajari ilmu-ilmu tentang Islam sampai peringkat sarjana. Untuk melawan arus ekstremis dan rasis, Cina Muslim berharap dengan kesarjanaan mereka akan dapat menonjolkan Islam sebagai agama multikultural, bukan agama monokultural. Sudah tiba masanya Cina Muslim mengikut jejak langkah bangsa Parsi dari segi keilmuan.

“Xifu, ini anak lelaki saya. Dia fasih bahasa Mandarin dan boleh membaca al-Quran. Bantulah dia sampai dia menjadi seorang ilmuwan Islam,” berkata Alina Ong, seorang ahli majlis tertinggi Macma.

Generasi pertama Cina Muslim pra-Youtube inginkan generasi kedua Cina Muslim menjadi khalifah dari segi ekonomi, akhlak dan ilmu. Bermulalah dengan sifat bokia, iaitu sifat tidak takut berfikir di luar kotak monokultural. Usah fobia berfikir kritis dan jauh ke depan dengan alasan iman lemah.

Cina Muslim bokia, tidak lemah. Ramadan Mubarak!

* Abdul Naser Tun Rahman tokoh pendakwah Perak/AJK Macma

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MACMA Malaysia AGM

Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan MACMA Malaysia ke-21 telah berjaya diadakan pada 12-14 Jun 2015 bertempat di Grand Pacific Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. YBhg Dato’ Haji (Dr) Mustapha Ma melepaskan jawatan yang disandang beliau sejak tahun 1997 dan kini jawatan Presiden disandang oleh YBhg Professor Dr. Taufiq Yap Yun Hin.


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Assalamu alaikum w.b.r.t,

Dear YBhg Dato’/Datin/Sir/Madam,

May this email reaches everyone in the best of health and iman.

We are pleased to inform you that during the tabling of the Y2015 national budget on 10th October 2014, YAB Prime Minister of Malaysia had announced the setting of the Al-Qur’an Publishing Centre to be soon based in Putrajaya, Malaysia. This initiative involves printing of 1 million copies of the Al-Qur’an annually and a sum of RM 30 milions has been allocated for the next 3 years beginning 2015.

The sum allocated by the Government will certainly assist Restu Foundation to realize the bigger vision of creating the first ever Al Qur’an printing centre out of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.While the proposed sum is a good start up for this noble cause, the related printing costs namely for paper, translation, editing pre and post processes would still require general financial support from concern. We certainly look forward to the continued support from all concerned parties at all times.

In lieu, we hereby would like to inform you that the earlier proposed Wakaf Al-Qur’an with Chinese Translation Fund Raising Gala Dinner scheduled on 1st November 2014 in TMCC,Bangsar would be POSTPONED to 14th March 2015.

The new date is deemed necessary to gain more momentum of this unique project further and encourage more participation from both public and corporate sector. It would augur well with the preparations to roll out the first batch of 100,000 copies of Al-Qur’an very soon, carefully translated into Mandarin.

The Chinese translated Al-Qur’an is not only meant for the Chinese Muslim reverts, but also to the non-Muslim Chinese community to better understand the religion, while forming a vital part of the global dakwah program.

Do take note of the changes, and we shall keep you posted on more exciting developments soon.

Meanwhile, we look forward to your continued support towards this event and our sincere apologies for all the inconveniences caused.

May All of us be rewarded and blessed by Allah swt in this noble cause of propagation Islam to the ummah.

Best regards and wasalam,

Nurlaily Yap
Project Al Quran with Chinese Translation

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This work plan is drafted by The Editing Committee of Recension and Publication of Chinese translation of Al Quran (‘The Editing Committee’) after collecting opinions from scholars in the field and those of readers of the previously translated Chinese meaning of Al Quran. The plan is also drafted based on consensus reached from meetings between the Editing Committee and various related parties.

1. Selection of Chinese Translation of Al Quran
In view of the great challenges it faces to produce a sound translation of Al Quran and the prohibitive requirement on the qualification of a suitable translator, the Editing Committee has decided to work on a recension of existing Chinese translation of Al Quran. Specifically, this decision is made based on the following considerations:

1) Challenges of translating Al Quran into Chinese language
The translation of Al Quran from Arabic to Chinese language is a sacred and serious work, requiring the translator to be proficient in both Arabic and Chinese languages, to master such fields as Tafsir, Hadith, Shariah, and Quran Studies, and to possess a high ethical standard. Consequently, it is difficult to find out a scholar with such high qualification to produce a fresh translation within limited time
The translation of Al Quran is indeed a vast and complex project, which entails huge energy and time. Chinese Muslim scholars who attempted to do so, such as Imam Wang jingzhai, Professor Muhammad Ma Jian, Imam Ma Jinpeng, and Professor Zhang Bingduo, had devoted their whole life on the translation work. In fact, the editing works of their translation had never been completed even until they passed away.

Therefore, we are of the view that it is nearly impossible to produce a fresh translation within a short period, i.e. one or two years, and with limited resources. In order to meet the immediate demand of the Malaysian Chinese Muslim community, the Editing Committee suggests that in this project we should focus on the recension and publication of an existing translation selected from the pool of acceptable translations.

2) The selection of proper Chinese translation of Al Quran
As discussed earlier, this project will focus on the recension of the most authoritative, reliable and influential existing translation. At present, there are 16 different Chinese translations of Al Quran in China. Some translated directly from Arabic and others from English or Japanese. Because of different levels of translators, these translations vary in the style and adherence to the original language, resulting in strikingly different level of readership.

Generally speaking, translations produced by i) Prof Muhammad Ma Jian, ii) Imam Wang jingzhai, iii) Ma Jinpeng, iv) Yang jing and vi) Lin Song are widely accepted as sound, accurate and reliable works.Among these five translations, the one produced by i) Prof Muhammad Ma Jian is believed to be the most authoritative. This translation, which has so far the largest readership, is widely accepted by academia, countless Mosques, and readers from all walks of life in China, Muslim and non-Muslim alike.

It is worth mentioning here that a few translations are rejected by the Chinese Muslim because the translators are unqualified to do the work, or because they have demonstrated dubious ethical standards. These translations have largely deviated from the true meaning of the Al Quran.

After repeated discussion, scholars involved in this project have unanimously voted the translation of Muhammad Ma Jian(الله يرحمه) to be the blueprint of this recension project. Most of these scholars have also expressed their willingness to participate in the editing works only if this translation is selected.

The publication of Chinese translation of Al-Quran in Malaysia is an important move to promote Islam among the Malaysian Chinese society – especially the Chinese Muslim community, and among the world Chinese society at large. Seeing the project as an imperative and sacred mission, we Chinese Muslim scholars will uphold it seriously and responsibly, and will make every effort to achieve excellence in this work.

As explained, all existing Chinese translations of Al Quran are done by individuals. These translations contain inevitably omissions and inaccuracies that could sometimes confuse or misguide the reader. In this project, we are bringing together  top Muslim scholars from China and Malaysia to work hand-in-hand to produce a more reliable recension of the most authoritative translation. These scholars are respected and supported by the majority of Chinese Muslims for their extensive knowledge in Islam and their noble characters. Capitalizing on a collective wisdom, this recension will make epoch-marking improvement to the Chinese Translation of Al Quran,

Insya Allah.With such efforts, we hope all Chinese speaking people can understand Al Quran, understand Islam, and eventually revert to the straight path of Islam.
May Almighty Allah reward all participants working to spread the Holly Quran.

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front infaqborang-wakafHaving the Al-Quran published in Chinese Mushaf, and with its Chinese language translation is the concerted effort of the Malaysian Chinese Muslim Association (MACMA) and the Restu Foundation. It is a step towards creating a variety of dakwah efforts through the use of Mushaf Arts. This cooperation is established as there is a need to put together the Arabic calligraphy skills of the professionals of this country and of those from China to develop and establish a heritage of thinkers who sourced from the Al-Quran and who will preserve and promote Islamic Arts while at the same time spreading Islam and its teachings.

Mission and objectives
The publication of the Al Quran With Chinese Translation is aimed to fill in the need for such an Al-Quran for the Chinese. The main objective of the Al-Quran translated into Mandarin is to create an Al-Quran with the best appropriate translation text follows the requirements of syarak. It is hoped that with this Al-Quran its readers are able to get closer to a deeper understanding of the meanings of the Al-Quran. This is a step towards developing dakwah activities in the teachings of the Al-Quran, specifically to the Chinese all over the world who are not well-versed in the Arabic language.

The Al-Quran texts used are from the latest handwritten manuscripts of the Restu Foundation, which is the “Al-Quran MushafBarakah” that has been approved by the Publication of the Al-Quran Control Department of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Malaysia.

The supervision of the translation has been authorized to the Committee of the Translation and Transliteration of the Al-Quran that are made up of ulamas who are experts in Arabic, Mandarin and the field of transliteration. They are a group of professionals from China and Malaysia.

Developing the Zukhruf

Islam teaches its ummah to learn the Al-Quran and to glorify its teachings and to appreciate the beauty of the soul it brings. In developing the Mushaf Arts, two elements are important. These are the combination of Arabic Calligraphy Arts and the Zukhruf Artworks. Zukhruf is the art of decoration with the use of variety of motifs and designs of flowers and geometric patterns. These are to create designs that are attractive and beautiful. The beauty of artworks in Arabic Calligraphy and illumination (Zukhruf Arts) is hoped to bring the readers of the Al-Quran into bringing into their hearts, new understandings of the way of life as warranted by Islam.

The concept of Zukhruf Arts of the Al-Quran With Chinese Translation will adapt and apply from visual arts as sourced from the traditions and culture of the Muslim Chinese. This will encompass the architectural designs of the Chinese mosques, the flowers and plants of this country with the largest population of Muslim Chinese, its knowledge and technology, its crafts and textiles arts which have become the source of its economy and history.

Special Advantages

1. The translation of this Al-Quran uses the Tafsiriyyah Mukhtasirah with reference to several translations and transliterations in Mandarin.

2. Translated in Mandarin that has been made easy to be understood by all levels of Chinese in Malaysia.

3. The NasMushaf will use the handwritten manuscripts by the Restu Foundation following the ‘Uthmaniy and verified by the Publications of the Al-Quran Control Department, of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Malaysia.

4. This mushaf will be decorated with Zukhruf arts that are applications from the Muslim Chinese that encompasses the architectural structures the mosques, craft handworks, flowers and plants, designs on textiles especially from those of the traditional costumes, and of historic places.

5. Each page will use 4 colours. The beginning of the Mushaf page will use the application of beautiful intricate, fully coloured, that symbolizes the harmony of the cultural heritage of the Chinese.

6. To ease reading understanding of the texts, the verse of the Al-Quran and its translations are placed on pages side by side or in the same sections.

Brief history:
MACMA, founded on the 8th September 1994, is an Islamic NGO Association representing Chinese Muslims in Malaysia to bring forth Muslims in general and the Chinese Muslims in particular to become “Khairul Ummah” as defined by the Quran to build unity through diversity society, foster volunteerism spirit among members, uplift social and economy status and establish an Islamic learned and knowledgeable community.With 17 branches throughout Malaysia, MACMA has always been working in collaboration with the Islamic Council and with various NGOs to aggressively carry out dakwah activities.( website:

Restu Foundation is an NGO that was established in 1987. It is considered as the pioneer in the handwritten copying and in the publication of the “Al-Quran Malaysian Mushaf” since 1994. The Restu Foundation is also known for its expertise and skills in the production of the handwritten manuscripts of the Al-Quran and in the beautifully intricate visual artworks with motifs that are conceptualized from localized designs and traditional artworks of the country that required the publications in their own “brand” of Mushaf. Therefore, for each country, the Mushaf is unique to that particular country. website: (

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The inaugural WAKAF AL QUR’AN WITH CHINESE TRANSLATION FUND RAISING CHARITY DINNER 2014 would be held soon in Kuala Lumpur. The event is jointly organized by Restu Foundation and Malaysian Chinese Muslim Association (MACMA) Malaysia. The gala dinner is scheduled to take place on 1st November 2014 at the TM Convention Centre , Jalan Pantai Baharu, Kuala Lumpur. This event is managed by My Events International, Malaysia. Today’s media briefing was jointly chaired by Datuk Abdul Latiff Mirasa – Chairman Restu Foundation and Prof Dr Hj Taufiq Yap Yun Hin Deputy President MACMA Malaysia

The Wakaf Al-Qur’an Fund Raising Gala Dinner is definitely a unique, multi stakeholder congregation of leaders from various industries, varying from the private and business to government and notable public figures. Being it held for the 1st time in Malaysia, the event would further connect people and values. Most importantly, the event would highlight the uniqueness of the Al-Qur’an, illuminate the Holy Scripture teachings, while fulfilling to the localized translation needs of various global Muslim communities. The organizers intend too as well distribute 100,000 pieces of the Holy Al-Qur’an to various countries from the proceeds raised from the Gala Dinner table sales.During the event, the joint organizers intend to as well recognize the contribution and effort of its members and community players at large in the promotion, propagation and development of the Holy Al- Qur’an, retrospectively to enhance the deeper understanding of the teachings of the sacred Holy Scripture amongst Muslims and the general public. In respect, the organizers intend to recognize some outstanding leaders through the inaugural Restu Foundation Qur’anic Awards, scheduled on the same night of the Fund Raising Gala Dinner.The congregation of Muslims and non-Muslims alike, soon in the month of November 2014, would certainly be focused towards uniting humankind and communities worldwide through the wisdom proven and successful leadership styles of the prophets, propagating moderation, respect and encourage Global Unity and Peace at all times.An exclusive invite has been sent to YAB Prime Minister of Malaysia to grace the occasion as the guest of honor. More updates in weeks ahead on his final confirmation and attendance status.

Restu Foundation set up in the year 1987, has been a pioneer and pace setter to the efforts of translation and publication of the Al-Qur’an in various languages. Till date, the foundation had set their mark, published and professionally translated the Al-Qur’an to more than 08 countries, and recently making their presence felt among the Chinese Muslims in Malaysia and throughout the world.

MACMA was established on the 8th Sept 1994 to provide Islamic guidelines, assistance and deeper knowledge of the religion to the Chinese reverts in their adaptation to the being a Muslim, guided by the teachings of the Al-Qur’an. The association is actively involved in activities to bridge in closer links between Muslims in Malaysia especially the Malays and Chinese through culture, art, welfare and economic activities carried out periodically.

All contributions can be direct deposit to our wakaf account as the following details below :

Account Name         : Yayasan Restu Wakaf
Bank’s Name           : Bank Islam (M) Bhd
Branch and Address : Jalan Tun Razak, Bangunan Ibu Pejabat Tabung Haji, Peti                                      surat 11590, 50750 Kuala Lumpur MALAYSIA
Account No              : 14032010093230
Swift Code               : BIMBMYKL

We would also like to inform you that all contributions are tax exempted under Income Tax Act 1967 sub section 44(6) with reference: LHDN01/35/42/51/179-6.5846. Validity period is from 01/01/2010 to 31/12/2014. Federal Government Gazette No : 20329 dated 26th July 2011.

To learn more of the WAKAF AL QUR’AN FUND RAISING CHARITY DINNER 2014 please log on to

For further inquiries, please contact
Mr. Taufik Izham at his HP: 016-3255768 or email at
Ms Nurlaily Yap at her HP: 012-3066542 or email at

After the press conference photography session

After the press conference photography session



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Notis ini diberi bahawasanya Persatuan Cina Muslim Malaysia, Cawangan Selangor (“MACMA SELANGOR”) akan mengadakan mesyuarat agung ke-9 untuk tahun 2013 mengikut ketetapan di bawah:

Tarikh  :                 Ahad 22 Dis 2013 bersamaan 18 Safar 1435H.

Masa    :           8.30 pagi (pendaftaran) & 9.30 pagi (mesyuarat bermula)


Cahaya SPK Resort Clubhouse
No. 1, Jalan Hijau Serindit U9/68
Cahaya SPK, Seksyen U9,
40150 Shah Alam
GPS Coordinate : N03 08.4 /8 E 101 30.140

Peta jalan adalah seperti dibawah:

registration card_split(inner)2

Kehadiran tuan/puan ke Mesyuarat Agung tersebut amatlah dihargai.



1.      Ucapan Pengerusi Majlis

2.      Bacaan Ayat suci Al Quran

3.      Ucapan Pengerusi MACMA Selangor

4.      Pembentangan dan pengesahan Minit Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan ke-8 2012

5.      Laporan Aktiviti sepanjang tahun 2013 oleh setiausaha MACMA Selangor

6.      Tayangan ppt aktiviti MACMA Selangor 2013

7.      Pembentangan dan pengesahan penyata kewangan 2013 oleh bendahari MACMA Selangor

8.      Perbincangan usul/ resolusi mesyuarat


Disediakan oleh:

Nor Alina Ong


MACMA Selangor







日期:2013年12 月22日(星期日)相等于回历5 Safar 1435H纪元


地点:Cahaya SPK Resort Clubhouse

No. 1, Jalan Hijau Serindit U9/68

Cahaya SPK, Seksyen U9,

40150 Shah Alam

GPS Coordinate : N03 08.4 /8 E 101 30.140






  1. 大会主席致欢迎词

2.    诵读古兰经

  1. 马来西亚华人穆斯林协会雪兰莪分会分主席致词
  2. 复准及检讨前期大会议案
  3. 2012年會務報告
  4. 2012 年财政报告
  5. 讨论提案







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Konvensyen Saudara Muslim 2013, or Reverts Convention, organised by Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM), was held at Perdana Resort, Pantai Cahaya Bulan, Kota Bharu, Kelantan on the 31st November and 1st december 2013. About 500 reverts from all over Malaysia attended this programme, including Sister Nurhayati Lau (Chairperson of MACMA Bintulu), Sister Nuraisyah Chan (Secretary of MACMA Sarawak), Sister Nur Aznita Loh (Chairperson of MACMA Perak), Sister Nur Caren Chung (Secretary of MACMA Melaka), Brother Adam Khong (Treasurer of MACMA Melaka) and other MACMA members that I did not mention here. Ten MACMA Kelantan committee members and more than hundred of MACMA Kelantan members attended this function too.

Congratulations to Brother Adam Khong (MACMA Melaka) and Sister Nur Shamila Koid (MACMA Ipoh) for been awarded “Anugerah Saudara Muslim Cemerlang 2013” by JAKIM.


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Here is an opportunity to learn more of the Confucian teachings in order to have a better understanding of this famous philosophy principle amongst the local and abroad Chinese citizen. I had attended the first level of Dizigui in June 2012 , participated in their English Dizigui alumni reunion two months ago and served as one of the volunteer or usher for the just concluded Nov- Dec English Section Dizigui recently.

Some of my Muslim friends may feel sceptical and uneasy about learning and attending this Confucian course. As I am from a Chinese background therefore I feel that there is a need to learn and understand, what are the Chinese mindset,behaviour, how they appraise their morale conduct and to become filial piety and obedience toward their parents, spouse, friends and siblings so I can speak more confidently about it. You will be surprise of the result and to be able to embark in the variety and fun classes for one whole week was a very interesting and harmony experience for most of us.

The participants have a wonderful and joyous soul searching journey to share their real lives experience disregard religions and beliefs. They were from all kind of background and countries. Some came from Singapore , Taiwan, Indonesia and a lovely couple came as far from Australia just to attend this course. Multi religions participants and some were Buddhist, Muslim, Christian, Sikh, Hindu and Atheist . They learned good morale values, music, calligraphy , origami or paper folding and watched 2 touching and beautiful movies. Beside that they were taught how to fold the blanket, to correct the posture when walking and sitting, and Master Chang the Tai Chi master morning exercise and the participants were exposed to healthy eating lifestyle and practise as not to waste any food or resources.

A really Eye Opener Course to many and we gained a more better understanding of our Chinese root and background in term of the practise of good moral conduct for everyone to follow. Something which we have to seriously think about to approach our non Muslim counterparts. Good platform to eradicate all the misconception toward Islam and to install and inject all the good morale values to the society.

Best wishes and wassalam,

NurLaily Yap.



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